LINK - Site structure

Appearance: <LINK REL=string HREF=URL>
Attributes: REL=string, REV=string, HREF=URL, TITLE=string
Contents: None (Empty).
May occur in: HEAD.

LINK is used to indicate relationships between documents. There are two possible relationships: REL indicates a normal relationship to the document specified in the URL. REV indicates a reverse relationship. In other words, the other document has the indicated relationship with this one. The TITLE attribute can be used to suggest a title for the referenced URL or relation.

Some possible values for REL and REV:

Indicates the creator of the document. Usually the URL is a mailto: URL with the creator's e-mail address. Advanced browsers will now let the reader comment on the page with just one button or keystroke.
This indicates the location of the appropriate style sheet for the current document.
The following LINK tags allow advanced browsers to automatically generate a navigational buttonbar for the site. For each possible value, the URL can be either absolute or relative.
Indicates the location of the homepage, or starting page in this site.
Indicates the location of the table of contents, or overview of this site.
Indicates the location of the index for this site. This doesn't have to be the same as the table of contents. The index could be alphabetical, for example.
Indicates the location of a glossary of terms for this site.
Indicates the location of a page with copyright information for information and such on this site.
Indicates the location of the document which is logically directly above the current document.
Indicates the location of the next document in a series, relative to the current document.
Indicates the location of the previous document in a series, relative to the current document.
Indicates the location of a help file for this site. This can be useful if the site is complex, or if the current document may require eplanations to be used correctly (for example, a large fill-in form).


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